Use the Explore tab to select and run analyses. A control panel along the left side of the application contains statistical procedure controls and a list of variables when a data file has been loaded. Summary output is displayed and the complete analysis is recorded in the Output Log. Click the (>) button to view the Options Panel. Explore will display charts for some procedures.
Statistical Procedures
Select the statistical procedure. When the Options Panel is visible, each procedure will display options. Some options will create new variables for the data file. Once the variables are selected, click the Calculate toolbar button.
Variable List
Select variables for analysis and drag or click the listbox header to move variables in and out of the analysis list boxes.
Analysis List
Drag variables from the Variable List to the list boxes for the selected statistical technique. To delete variables, select the variable and click the list box header or double-click the variable.
Drag a variable to the control box. Select the operator and enter the control value.
Data Spreadsheet
The Data tab displays the data used for analysis and a variable format module. Click a column to format that variable’s numerical values or click a cell to edit contents. Avoid using special characters such as $ or commas.
Data Entry
Begin entering data in row one/column one. This will add a variable to the variable list box. At least one data value must be entered to format or recode data. Use the arrow keys to move between cells. Do not enter commas or currency symbols in the data. When possible, limit data entry to numerical values instead of strings (e.g., use 1 for “Male” and 2 for “Female”). This simplifies data entry and data manipulation.
Save Data
After creating or changing a data file, use “Save Data File As” to create an AcaStat system data file. This file will also save formatting.
Open Data
“Open Data File” opens an AcaStat data file for display in the data spreadsheet or drag and drop a file into the spreadsheet.
Import Data
Import tab or comma delimited data text files with the import option under the File pull-down menu or drag and drop a delimited file into the spreadsheet. Text files must have variable names in the first row to populate column headings and the variable list.
Paste Data
Paste data copied from a spreadsheet or table. The data must have variable names in the first row to populate column headings and the variable list. Pasting data replaces all spreadsheet contents.
Export Data
Export tab or comma delimited data text files with the export option. Text files may be opened by spreadsheet or word processing software. An exported file will not save formatting.
Format Variables and Values
Use the Format Variables module to create labels for the variable and the variable values. The formatting will be applied to the results of the analysis to improve data presentation. Always save the data file after formatting. Formatting may be copied and pasted from one variable to another.
Missing Values
Use the Format module in the Data tab to assign missing values. During analysis, any observation with a missing value will be excluded. Blank cells will automatically be skipped during analysis.
Recode Variables
Use the values of selected variables to create new variables. Hold the Control button (Mac Command button) to select multiple variables. There are five options: Recode, Compute, Combine, Replace, Trim.
Recode is used to convert a variable with many values into fewer categories (e.g., years education into 1=”< 12,” 2=”12 Years,” 3=”>12”). Select the variable to recode, select the operation to conduct, enter a new variable name, enter a new value, click the Recode button. A new variable will be added to the data. Repeat to cover all categories. Click “Reset” only when starting a new variable recode.
Compute, Combine, and Trim operations also create a new variable. Replace edits the selected variable.
Output Log
Each analysis creates an output record. Click on the Output Log to select and view the output.
Copying/Pasting Output
After copying and pasting output into other software, highlight the pasted output and format to Courier (9 point font). This will ensure proper alignment of the tables.
Save Output
Click “Save Output As” to save all output as a text file. Hold the control button (Windows) or command button (Mac) to select multiple individual output items for saving.
Open Output File
Use “Open Output File” to import an AcaStat output file.
Print Output
Use “Print Output” to print output. Hold the control button (Windows) or command button (Mac) to select multiple individual output items for printing.
Select a statistical procedure and click the Example Data button for an example of data entry. Click Calculate to run the procedure. Click the New toolbar button to clear the fields. The output is appended to the Output Log. Some output has more statistics in the log than is displayed in the SumStats tab. Each procedure retains up to ten calculations to review a history of calculations.