Phil Crewson, PhD
Non-Academic Positions
Deputy Director for Management - U.S. Department of Justice, Trustee Program (Retired)
Assistant Director Office of Research and Planning - U.S. Department of Justice, Trustee Program
Acting Deputy Director for Health Services Research - Department of Veterans Affairs
Deputy Director Technology Assistance Program - American College of Radiology, Reston VA
Academic Training
Ph.D. Public Administration. The American University; 1995 (Thesis: The Public Service Ethic)
Public Administration with an emphasis on public personnel.
Policy Analysis with an emphasis on quantitative methods.
American Government with an emphasis on political behavior and Congress.
Academic Positions
The American University. August 1998 to 2010. Adjunct Professor in the Department of Public Administration. Graduate courses: Methods of Problem Solving.
University of Cincinnati. September 1995 to 1997. Tenure track position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science. Also responsible for advising capstone MPA projects, managing the MPA internship program. Graduate courses in public personnel, public finance, methods of problem solving, and computer applications.
The American University. August 1993 to December 1994. Adjunct Instructor in the Department of Government (three semesters). Undergraduate course: Introduction to Political Research.
The American University. August 1992 to May 1993. Research Assistant specializing in the use of SAS software for statistical analysis and manipulation of multiple and complex data files.
The American University. August 1991 to May 1992. Research and Teaching Assistant in the Hurst Computer Lab. Responsible for teaching SPSSx, SAS, CMS, and SYSTAT and assisting faculty and students in resolving programming problems.
Indiana University-South Bend. August 1990 to June 1991. Visiting Lecturer and Associate Researcher. Responsibilities as an Associate Researcher involved designing and interpreting citizen attitude, customer satisfaction, training needs, and program assessment survey research. Undergraduate courses: statistics and computers.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Crewson, Philip E. 1995. "A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Sector Entrant Quality." American Journal of Political Science 39(3): 628-639.
Langbein, Laura I., Philip E. Crewson, and Neil Brasher. 1996. "Rethinking Ward and At-large Elections in Cities: Total Spending, the Number of Locations of Selected City Services, and Policy Types." Public Choice 88: 275-293.
Sunshine, Jonathan H., Jeffrey H. Burkhardt, Philip E. Crewson, Kay A. Shaffer, and Murray L. Janower. 1996. "The Employment Market for 1995 Graduates of Diagnostic Radiology and Radiation Oncology Training." American Journal of Roentgenology 167 (1).
Crewson, Philip E. and James Guyot. 1996. "Reexamining the Quality Crisis." PA Times 19(11): 11. [This is a short commentary/research brief in ASPA’s monthly newspaper.]
Crewson, Philip E. 1997. "Are the Best and Brightest Fleeing Public Sector Employment? Evidence From the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth." Public Productivity and Management Review 20(4): 363-371.
Crewson, Philip E. and James Guyot. 1997. "Sartor Resartus: A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Sector Entrant Quality Reanalyzed." American Journal of Political Science 41(3): 1057-1065 .
Schiller, Bradley R. and Philip E. Crewson. 1997 "Entrepreneurial Origins: A Longitudinal Inquiry." Economic Inquiry 35(3):523-531.
Crewson, Philip E. and Bonnie S. Fisher. 1997. "Growing Older and Wiser: The Changing Skill Requirements of City Administrators." Public Administration Review 57(5):380-386.
Crewson, Philip E. 1997. "Public-Service Motivation: Building Empirical Evidence of Incidence and Effect." Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 7(4):499-518.
Crewson, Philip E., Jonathan H. Sunshine, Barbara Schepps. 1998. "The Situation of Diagnostic Radiology Training Programs and Their Graduates in 1997." American Journal of Roentgenology 171:919-922.
Crewson, Philip E., Jonathan H. Sunshine, Barbara Schepps. 1999. "Professional Satisfaction of U.S. Radiologists During a Period of Uncertainty." Radiology 213:589-597.
Crewson, Philip E., Steven D. Elliott, Jonathan H., Sunshine, Barbara Schepps. 1999. "The Situation of Diagnostic Radiology Training Programs and Their Graduates in 1998." American Journal of Roentgenology 173:271-274.
Crewson, Philip E., Jonathan H. Sunshine, Barbara Schepps. 1999. "The Situation of Radiation Oncology Training Programs and Their Graduates in 1997." International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, and Physics 43(4): 833-837.
Crewson, Philip E. and Jonathan H. Sunshine. 2000. "Diagnostic Radiologists’ Subspecialization and Fields of Practice." American Journal of Roentgenology 174: 1230-1209.
Bluth EI, Sunshine, JH, Lyons JB, Beam CA, Troxclair LA, Althans-Kopecky L, Crewson PE, Sullivan MA, Smetherman DH, Heidenreich PA, Neiman HL, Burkhardt, JH. 2000. "Power Doopler Imaging: Initial Evaluation as a Screening Examination for Carotid Artery Stenosis." Radiology 215 (3):791-800.
Crewson, Philip E. 2001 "A Correction for Unbalanced Kappa Tables" SAS User’s Group International 2001 Proceedings.
Crewson, Philip E. and Kimberly E. Applegate. 2001. "Fundamentals of Clinical Research for Radiologists: Data Collection in Radiology Research." AJR: 177, October.
Applegate, Kimberly E. and Philip E. Crewson. 2002. "Introduction to Biostatistics." Radiology.
Bachman, Donald M. and Philip E. Crewson. 2002. "Comparison of Central DXA with Heel Ultrasound and Finger DXA for Detection of Osteoporosis." Journal of Clinical Densitometry.
Berg, Wendie, et al. 2002. "Effect of Training in BIRADS™ on Observer Performance and Agreement in Feature Analysis and Final Assessment" Radiology.
Swayne LC, Fask A, Crewson PE, Stelletell, HD, Fanburg JD, Williams G. 2002. Compliance with Prompt Payment Legislation: The Initial Experiences of New Jersey Radiologists. American Journal of Roentgenology 179:21-25.
Tello, Richard and Philip E. Crewson. 2003. "Hypothesis Testing 2: Means" Radiology.
Crewson, Philip E. 2003 "A Comparative Analysis of Polygraph with other Screening and Diagnostic Tools. Polygraph 32: 57-85.
Kimberly E. Applegate and Philip E. Crewson. 2004 "Statistical Literacy: Statistics allow us to organize and objectively evaluate empiric evidence that can ultimately lead to improved patient care." Radiology 2004 230: 613-614
Crewson, Philip E. 2005 “Fundamentals of Clinical Research for Radiologists: Reader Agreement Studies” Invited article for American Journal of Roentgenology 184(5): 1391-1397.
Book Chapter
"Are the Best and the Brightest Fleeing Public Sector Employment?" Public Service: Callings, Commitments, and Contributions. 1999. Marc Holzer, Editor. Perseus Books Group.
Other Professional Activities
Co-editor of monthly series in Radiology on biostatistics for radiologists. 2000-2004.
Reviewer for peer review journals (2000 to Present).
Reviewer for the U.S. government (1998 to 2009). Department of Defense grant proposals relating to employee security screening.