Instructors or institution computer staff from high schools, colleges or universities can register AcaStat for a free site license. The educational site license allows installation of the software on an unlimited number of classroom computers or computer labs maintained by the academic institution.

Conditions of Use Site License
  1. The site license is limited to use in classroom computers or computer labs. 
  2. It cannot be accessible from outside the institution.
  3. The site license is not intended to license individual computers outside the classroom or computer lab.
  4. Students and faculty who would like their own licensed copy of AcaStat for home or office must purchase a copy from or the Apple App Store.

Registration Requirements
  • Send an e-mail using an institution e-mail account. The e-mail should be addressed to and formatted as follows:
  • E-mail subject text:  "Request academic site license"
  • E-mail content:  your name, position at institution, name of institution and your institution mailing address. Please confirm your agreement to the conditions above by stating "Agree to Conditions of Use."
  • You will receive a confirmation e-mail with a download link for the Mac and Windows versions.

View academic site license.